Parents & Carers Information
Home School Agreement
Should a placement be considered unsuitable for a pupil (following the admissions procedure) feedback to parents/carers will be provided by the Local Authority as to the grounds for the decision.
If the Local Authority decides not to name the school in a pupil’s EHC Plan the parents have the right to appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) and should refer directly to the Local Authority for contact details and their intention to appeal a decision.
For further information on this, please see our Admissions page in the Statutory information drop-down.
Average School Day
School Uniform
Kelford takes its legal obligation to avoid unlawfully discriminating against any protected characteristic very seriously. In line with this, we aim to ensure that our uniform is as inclusive as possible so that all pupils can access a school uniform which is comfortable, suitable for their needs, and reflects who they are, while avoiding any direct or indirect discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics or socio-economic status.
Our uniform is none statutory but for those that do want to wear a uniform it is a red jumper which can be purchased at a reasonable price from all leading supermarkets.
Home / Remote Learning
Pupil Transport Info
Corporate Transport - 01709 334324
Rotherham Educational transport Tel:01709 334324
Sheffield Education transport Tel:0114 237570
Barnsley Education transport Tel:01226 773584
Nexus Trust
Nexus Multi Academy Trust was founded in 2016 and has the highest ambitions possible for anyone and everyone we work with.
The vision for Nexus is that we are constantly
“Learning together; to be the best we can be.”
This vision is what we aspire for and is as relatable to every employee and partner of our Trust as it is to our children, young adults and their families.
In order to achieve our vision, we have the following mission statement:
- Our learners and their families are at the centre of what we do; empowered to learn and achieve; valued within our and their communities as visible, resilient, active and responsible citizens.
- Our employees and partners are passionate about being the best that they can be; providing opportunities for enriched learning and pathways to employment and independence.
- Our Trust is relentlessly focused on improvement; it values and celebrates success and builds partnerships to develop personalised provision with and for those we serve.
Underpinning our vision and mission statement are our core values. These have been defined by our workforce and governors and resonate with the values that all partners of Nexus hold.
We believe it is really important and that we are, in all the things we plan and do: Inclusive; Child Centred; Family Focused; Caring; Passionate; Nurturing; Encouraging Enriching; Empowering.
We bring these high expectations to everything we do, and we are really excited to work with partners who share this ethos.
To learn more about our Multi Academy Trust please click on the following link -
Contact Information:
Tel: 01709 257277
1 - Finance
2 - Extended Services
3 - School Improvement
4 - Governance
5 - CEO
6 - ICT Services
7 - All other enquires
Complaints Procedure Statement
Nexus Multi Academy Trust has one Complaints Policy and Procedure for all our academies. Our Complaints Procedure will:
- encourage resolution of problems by informal means wherever possible
- be easily accessible and publicised
- be simple to understand and use
- be impartial
- be non-adversarial
- allow swift handling with established time-limits for action and keeping people informed of the progress
- ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person where necessary
- respect people’s desire for confidentiality
- address all the points at issue and provide an effective response and appropriate redress, where necessary
- provide information to the Trust’s senior management team so that services can be improved.
The Trust will be clear about the difference between a concern and a complaint. We will take concerns seriously at the earliest stage to reduce the numbers that develop into complaints. As per our complaints procedure, there are four stages in which a complaint can be dealt with:
- Stage 1: Informal Resolution
- Stage 2: Formal Resolution
- Stage 3: Panel Hearing
A copy of the Trust’s complaint’s policy and how to make a complaint can be accessed from here.
If you have a complaint, FOI request or SAR , please fill in the form found here.
Ofsted Parent View
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about Kelford School, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.
There is a small registration process and once this is completed you can fill in the survey and give your feedback. All results are anonymous and school does not have access to any of the registration information including email addresses. You can also use the site to see how other people have answered the survey questions for Kelford or any other school.
Click here to access the Parent View Website.
Online Safety
At Kelford School we recognise that there are many benefits of the computer age and one of these is that children are becoming smarter. They are growing up computer-literate and will have that as a huge advantage. Computer literacy is becoming an essential job qualification and feeling comfortable with computers will put them a step ahead. However, children are innocent and do not realise the dangers which could be involved in some of the situations they encounter whilst online. Below are some guides and information to help parents and carers keep their children safe.
Kelford E-Safety Team
Sarah Mulhall - Headteacher
Carl Haag - E-Safety Lead
Catherine Bentley - Designated Safeguarding Lead
If you wish to contact any member of the team, please ring the school number (01709 512088)
Holiday Request Form
Breakout Clubs
Breakout clubs provide opportunities for young people to spend time with their peers; allowing their family to take a break from their caring role. Activities include soft play, creative arts, music, crafts, sports and games, multisensory room, outdoor learning, computers and off site activities.
Sessions will encourage communication and social interaction, sharing spaces and new experiences, positive choice making and learning new skills.
The holiday clubs run during February half-term, Easter holidays, May half-term, Summer holidays and October half-term
Please call into school to book your child's place. Tel:01709 512088
Please ensure that you ring school to report your child's absence and follow the appropriate option for attendance before 09:30am Tel: 01709 512088
If your child is unexpectedly absent, and we have not received a telephone call by 8:30am, we will endeavour to ring the parent/ carer in order to ascertain the child’s whereabouts.
If you are struggling with you child attending school please speak to your child key worker so that we are able to help you and your child solve any issues that may have occurred.
Communication Chain
1. School Reception
If your call is urgent please call reception who will direct your call accordingly.
Tel:01709 512088
2. Class Teacher
The class teacher will return emails and calls within 24hrs.
Please see the class contacts drop-down below this section.
3. Senior Leader
Kimberworth & Primary
Secondary & Sixth-form
Post 16 Enterprise Works & Forest View
Sara Morris
Kirsty Medcalf
Laura Wildman
4. Deputy Headteacher
Catherine Bentley Tel: 01709 512088
Carl Haag Tel: 01709 512088
5. Headteacher
Sarah Mulhall Tel: 01709 512088
Class Contacts
Rainbows Class
Sparkles Class
Sparkles Class
Sunbeams Class
Green Class
Purple Class
Blue Class
Orange Class
Willow Class
Holly Class
Beech Class
Cherry Class
The Bridge 14-19
Forest View1
Forest View2
Forest View3
Enterprise Works 1
Enterprise Works 2
Enterprise Works 2
Julie Strong
Megan Rooney
Alex Blake
Ellie Kaye
Emma Phillips
Kerry Kenyon
Ellie Moss
Sarah Oldroyd-Young
Mollie Wilson
Rachael Leach
David Carr
Amy Johnson
Maisie Temple
Andrew Moody
Carolyn Sullivan
Anne Marie Hepworth
Lydia Cawthorne
Sam Wadkin
Dianne Addy
Charlotte Widdowson
Parent Pay Login
Temporary School Menu
Please see below links for when temporary School Menu is in use
School Dinner Menu
School Term Dates