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Pupil Progress


· Individual learning plans (ILP’s) -All pupils at Kelford have an individual learning plan which is reviewed termly with bespoke objectives towards their end of key stage objectives in their Education Health Care Plan. These objectives or “SMART Targets” are agreed in collaboration with learners, parents and professionals and represent good progress within each area of need. Within cognition and learning, learners on the yellow pathway have pre numerate and literate objectives supported by the routes for learning assessment tool. Learners on all other pathways have specific targets for Maths (Number) and English (Reading and Writing) Termly assessments against these objectives form our summative assessment and inform the data in the links below.

· Phonics assessments—Half termly Read Write Inc assessments are undertaken by class teachers in order to ensure that pupils are progressing and to target support where required.

· Statutory Summative assessments—All statutory assessments are undertaken including the reception baseline, Early Learning profile, Pre Key stage standards, Engagement scales, Multiplication tests and Phonics Screening tests. Where assessments are not developmentally appropriate, pupils are disapplied from these assessments.

· Examinations and Accreditations - In KS4 and 5, pupils are entered for functional skills examinations and ASDAN and Kings Trust accreditations, the results of which are tracked alongside summative assessment of ILP’s

· Pupil progress meetings - termly meetings are held between  teachers and senior leaders to discuss individual pupil progress and inform if/where additional support is required.








Get in touch

Kelford School, Oakdale Road,
Kimberworth, Rotherham,
S61 2NU

01709 512088