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Creative Arts

This Faculty comprises of the subjects: Art, Music and Drama (performing arts) there are also opportunities to develop dance skills linked to physical education.

Intent: The Arts are a fundamental part of the world we live in, our world is shaped by creative minds with a rich variety of Art, Music and Drama making it a more exciting and engaging place to live in. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of human nature and at Kelford we intend to inspire, motivate and nurture our learners creative minds in order to support them to experience, explore and engage in creativity. Pupils will learn about important works of art from across the creative subjects, as well as the artists who created them, they will learn a variety of skills and techniques in order to create their own artworks, compositions and performances to share with each other, parents and the wider world.

Implementation: Creative arts are taught as part of project based learning alongside STEM and the World around us. The arts lend themselves to the topic based approach and form many of our hooks into learning with artists, musicians and performers coming in to school to perform for and engage with our pupils. Pupils works of art will often feed directly in to the projects in our topics and celebration events provide plentiful opportunities for our pupils to display and perform their works.  In KS4 & 5 Learners who choose to, will work towards Arts award explore and discover accreditations.

Impact: Pupils will engage in creative work, producing their own pieces of art, compositions and performances to share with others. They will be able to express themselves in a wide variety of ways and in doing so they will increase their self esteem and self worth. Pupils in KS4 and 5 will have the opportunity to gain arts based accreditations in recognition of their work.

The links below provide a comprehensive overview of the mathematics curriculum at Kelford school.

The guidance expands on the information provided on the website and includes detail as to how teaching and learning within  creative Arts differs across the learning pathways.

The Long term plan  provides an overview of the content of the creative arts curriculum , demonstrating sequencing of knowledge and skills through each academic year  as pupils move through school. 



Get in touch

Kelford School, Oakdale Road,
Kimberworth, Rotherham,
S61 2NU

01709 512088