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Preparation For Adulthood

Intent: Here at Kelford, we want to enable all our students to have the fullest and broadest experiences as they progress into adult life. Through a robust curriculum we endeavour to raise aspirations, build self –belief and equip our young people to make choices about their future.

The curriculum is built around the PFA outcomes-Employment, Independent Living, Health and Community Inclusion, each young person’s experience of this journey will be different and personalised to suit their needs. Celebrating individuality, personal achievements and strengths will be a main focus as well as identifying new goals and targets around each outcome.

Students will have access to relevant information; build appropriate skills and experience meaningful encounters with external support systems, employers, training providers and community facilities. They will take part in simulated activities, virtual experiences and work placements. All students will benefit from bespoke careers education to suit their needs and be in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks.

 Implementation:  Throughout pupils education at Kelford, there are many opportunities to  develop knowledge and skills linked to preparation for adulthood, this is evident in our PSD curriculum. Independence is also a focus for learners from early years onwards, with all pupils working towards independence objectives which are reviewed termly. From Y9 onwards, pupils have clear links to Preparation for adulthood within their Individual learning plans, and in KS4 and 5, Pupils work towards accreditations centred around Preparation for adulthood including careers and work related learning.

Impact: Our students will be encouraged to be resilient, make informed choices and progress into adult life being the best they can be. They will understand how to live a healthy lifestyle, and become active members of society and local communities beyond school. They will have every opportunity to develop skills which enable them to enter the world of work, or for those on social care pathways, will be supported to find a provision which can continue to enable them to thrive beyond school.



Get in touch

Kelford School, Oakdale Road,
Kimberworth, Rotherham,
S61 2NU

01709 512088