Sensory/Physical Development
This faculty incorporates the subject of Physical education with the area of need for Sensory/Physical development and physical wellbeing.
Intent: The faculty of Sensory and Physical Development encompasses all the requirements necessary for our students needs to be met through physical activity, sensory stimulation and therapeutic measures. The faulty is a broad one that utilises the specialist training of staff in areas from Core and Sensory PE, the Move Curriculum (MATP - Motor Activity Training Programmes) and therapy sessions on Rebound and hydrotherapy, as well as the carefully planned positioning of students in their required equipment and sessions in the white room, dark room and praxis room – all of which are necessary for the development of muscular strength, flexibility and both gross and fine motor skill exercises to name but a few and provide strategies for regulation and stimulation
Implementation: Classes receive a weekly PE session which are inclusive and take the form of Core PE or Sensory Pe sessions. We have opportunities for our students and young adults to work wit outside coaches from Rotherham United and South Yorkshire Cricket, as well as participate in a whole host of activities through Rotherham Games and Youth Sport Trust.
Areas of Learning:
Impact: Giving our students the ability to live a healthy and active lifestyle through: Engage in regular PE/Physical activity The profile of PE has been raised across school Confidence, Knowledge and skills within the staff teaching PE/Physical activity has increased We offer a broad range of experiences and activities within our curriculum We have increased student participation in competitive sports
The links below provide a comprehensive overview of the mathematics curriculum at Kelford school.
The guidance expands on the information provided on the website and includes detail as to how teaching and learning within the faculty differs across the learning pathways.
The Long term plan provides an overview of the content of the Physical Education curriculum , demonstrating sequencing of knowledge and skills through each academic year as pupils move through school.